So, let's try and start at the beginning. During my first year at William Smith College I remember attending a Peace Corp information session. Apparently, it was a program I was interested in learning more about. I can't say that I gave it too much explicit thought over he following two years, but it had to have been on my mind somewhere.
Then, the spring semester of my junior year brought me a writing class. The second half of this class entailed putting together a booklet and presentation about a career, ideally the career we were working toward. At this point in my life, I still didn't know what I wanted to do. I had had some ideas, but they were still being mulled over. Then the Peace Corps popped back into my mind. I figured I could research the program, learn more about it, and figure out if it's something I'd like to pursue.
Well, that project opened my eyes to the wonders of the Peace Corps and all it could be. And it made me realize how much of the Peace Corps reflected what I wanted in life, experiences that I wanted to have: going abroad, experiencing and learning about another culture (the best way to do this is to immerse yourself in one), interacting with people while helping them, making a positive difference in the world no matter how small, becoming fluent in another language, maybe two. These were all very important things to me.
The next thing I knew, I had found their website online and began the application process. I found three people and eventually a fourth to write recommendations, I filled out all necessary information, looking up what was not on top of my head, and I began working on my essays. I wanted them to be great. Accordingly, I got the advice and editing of a beloved and gifted writing professor, my father who has always helped improve my writing, and I believe the help of my girlfriend, who is very bright, has an extensive vocabulary, and is also an excellent writer. Finally, I made a deadline for that fall, the middle of October: that was when I would be submitting my application. I made sure all of my recommendations would be in, did any final touches on my essays, and sent it in with all of my hopes, dreams, and aspirations.
I followed the progress of my application online and soon received a package requesting more information, step 2 if you will. I filled that out, got my fingerprints taken (it still feels weird to do that, like I've done something wrong, even though I know I haven't), and sent everything back within the 10 day limit. So far, so good.
The interview was next. Often times the interview is done over the phone unless an in person interview can be arranged. I lucked out because my recruiter was planning a visit to campus sometime in November and I was a that point in my application process, so one was set up. I was nervous, of course, but excited, too. My girlfriend helped iron my clothes that day which was not an easy thing for her to do, help me prepare to succeed at something that would in return pull me out of the country for 27 months. But she did it for me and was so great about it.
The interview went well. Shannon, my recruiter and interviewer, asked list of questions and I simply answered them as openly and honestly as possible. It felt more like I already had the job and Shannon was just double checking as opposed to me trying to get the job which was a nice surprise.
Within weeks, Shannon called me and said she was nominating me to the Sub-Saharan African region. She let me choose between leaving in July and going to a French-speaking country or leaving in September and going to a non-French-speaking country. I opted for September, so I could have once last summer with my girlfriend and one last summer to spend time with my family. I really wanted to have the opportunity to improve my French, but life is filled with choices and nothing is ever perfect. It's what you make of it. It can be perfect if you want it to and your expectations aren't impossible.
My trip got delayed until November and then I was just waiting on my invitation. Something I had forgotten during my waiting period was that nothing is final until you get your invitation. November came and I called my recruiter and my placement officer to find that I had not gotten into the November trip. I believe that budget cuts hurt my chances: 400 volunteers were delayed and some indefinitely. My placement officer tried to get me into a trip leaving early in 2009, but to no avail.
At this point I was frustrated. I had put my life on hold for something that seemed like it was never going to come. But then as all hope seemed lost (okay, I'm being rather dramatic here), something happened. I was prepared to wait and figured I wouldn't hear until April because the next date I was given was June. But in December, my parents made the trek upstairs to my room, tearing me away from my almost slumber, to say that I had gotten something that they were sure I'd want to open now. I couldn't believe it. A big envelope with the word Invitation written as clear as day.

Filled with excitement with butterflies fluttering around in my stomach, I opened my package to find a blue folder, the insides filled with everything I needed to know. I was going to Burkina Faso, a west African country landlocked by six other countries. I stayed up much later than planned that night reading about my adventure that had become so much more concrete in a matter of seconds.
ReplyDeleteI am COO of Water Charity, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit that does water, sanitation, and public health projects worldwide. We have recently started a new initiative, Appropriate Projects, to fund small water and sanitation projects very quickly.
I am a Returned Peace Corps Volunteer (Bolivia ’66-’68), and am well aware of the difficulties Volunteers face in the field. Water Charity has successfully completed projects of various sizes in cooperation with the Peace Corps. However, it occurred to me that we needed to further simplify the process for volunteers to get things accomplished. This prompted me to develop the Appropriate Projects initiative.
Often there is that little project that must be done now (before the rains start, before school starts, or whatever), but there are no funds available. Traditional funding sources are cumbersome, and there are long forms, detailed requirements, limited resources, and long delays.
Appropriate Projects has a very specific and immediate goal: We want to help you do your favorite project now.
If you are working in water and sanitation, I know you have a bunch of projects lined up. If you are working in other project areas, there are usually water components to your projects, or facilities needed where you work or teach.
Sample projects may be: a rainwater catchment, handwashing stations for a school, water for a clinic, pumps, sinks, latrines, etc.
We also like to “finish” projects that have been started, and “fix” things that have ceased to function.
So, check out the Appropriate Projects website at If you have a project in mind, please fill out the application form. We want this to be easy for you, so we have developed a simple form that you can fill out in one sitting.
If you have any questions about the appropriateness of your project, or you need some time to get it together, just let me know.
If you do not have a project that qualifies, please pass this message on to your fellow Volunteers who may have an interest. Finally, if this initiative resonates with you, please let others know what we are doing through your social networks, websites, and blogs.
I look forward to hearing from you.
Averill Strasser
Appropriate Projects
Water Charity
Thank you. I will definitely look into your charity and inform other volunteers about your work.